Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Lurve You This Much!

I really like how this picture turned out! Part of the last "series" in my concentration... May have to change "Obsession" to "Average Life of an Aesthetic Teenage Girl"... We shall see...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hyper Post!

So many ideas, so little time! It's getting harder and harder to focus on my concentration, when ideas are streaming in and out of my brain at a bazillion miles an hour! Spring break is going to be fantabulistic and productive! Lots of ideas and lots of time to execute said ideas! I know I'm babbling, but I'm very excited and can't wait to bring my ideas to life!

Friday, March 9, 2012

What's next?

What shall I do next? I shall edit edit edit. I need to emphasize some of the photos I have, for example, the tiara in the Prom Queen photos needs to be emphasized a lot. I want a few pictures of just the tiara, or photos where the only focus is on the tiara. I have finished with phototaking for the most part, although I wish for one more subcategory. I am excited for the weekend; great opprotunity for pictures! I hope to take some pics of my model and her boyfriend, or a few shots with me and my boyfriend for the last category. If I cannot, I'll focus in on Prom Queen and Magic and focus on taking photos of the objects with which my model(s) has/have been obsessed with. For example: cards, dice, tiara, pearls, etc. Can't wait!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What secrets do you hold, my friend?

What secrets do you hold, my friend?

I ask myself this every time I look at someone. This is what I focus on when I work on my art. I'm almost done. The end is within my reach. I may do one last photo-shoot, but I also like what I have... One more sub-category should work, yes/no/maybe-so?

Quick shout-out: Picnik, you will be missed! I know I, like many others, love you and will mourn you! It was fun while it lasted...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ten Photos!

So I have two separate "series" within my concentration so far. The first is the obsession to be pretty. The following pictures are of a young girl with the dream to be a Prom Queen. But what went wrong?
Grr! Why are you sideways? Broken tiara = broken Prom Princess

Sideways too? How dare you photo! Couldn't decide between the two similar so I added both!

Her crown and no one else.

Memories of a broken-hearted Prom Queen...

"Must be pretty to keep the crown..."

I loved the contrast between these two photos!!

This is the same series I've been posting for weeks, but now with more finished products!
*Eye-twitch* "Must...have..."

The center of her obsession...

"Must win the game! Must!"

I love how dark I got her eye in contrast with her face! Super scary!

The basics...

This was a little more whimsical, but I still like it, because when playing Magic, my friends and I do get silly/whimsical...

This was more obsession-based like I'd origanally planned for!