Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dipping a toe into the pool called "Concentration"...

 My concentration is "obsession". One thing a few of my friends are really into is this card game, called "Magic". It got me thinking... What if someone liked it more than they wished to admit? So, in the first series of photos I took, the emotion my model gave off, was similar to those of an addict.
I attempted in capturing a crazed look in her eyes.

Temptation starts to take hold...

My boyfriend scattered his cards...glad I had my camera!

A rough work-in-progress...will update soon!!


  1. I like the exploration in this small group of photographs. You tried different eye levels and compositions. The lighting and movement in the close up of the cards both create interest. What principles of design do you think will best communicate your ideas? Please add the principles to your concentration statement.

  2. I really like the idea and Lydia makes for a good model! The only question I have is, are you going to have a different objects of obbsession or is it always going to be magic cards?

    1. Great question! I am going to have various subjects/items that my models will obsess over. Right now I have eight different subjects/items, but I may have to cut out a few subjects, which is alright as long as the rest are very strong and clear.
