Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Final Dozen

...and then there were twelve. Sad as I was to have to change my concentration, I know it was for the best. It was also more autobiographical. As a teenage-artist, I have noticed many stereotypes. Many expect us to be nerdy, emo, or scene. Not everyone is like that; that's the beauty of art! Everyone is unique! I am very proud of how this series played out. I have to give a big shout out to my model for being so patient with me and being there for me through the ups and downs of everything! I started and ended with my two strongest photos and tried to make a story. As well as creating art--the written/hand-drawn pieces were made and edited by me, just to be clear, it's my work, not someone online--the young artist also enjoys playing the semi-popular card game, Magic, with her friends and has a story; in simplest terms: Prom night didn't go as she'd hoped. I tried to create a story within each mini-series, whether it be from enjoyment to madness--Magic, or beginning to end--Prom. Each "mini-series" is separated by a piece of art, which ties into the next mini-series. This part was crucial to me.


  1. Your photos are rad. I love the picture with the crown in her mouth. Also, the one with the facepaint is overwhelmingly awesomly fantastic. I love those. I love your pictures, but I feel like the pictures of the drawings would be stronger if they were a dyptych with another photo. Your photos are just so cool and vibrant!

  2. Cheyenne, i guess i am a little confused as to what exactly your concentration is and how you are trying to present it. It says that your theme is "the life of a teenage artist" but im confused as to how some of these photos tie in with that theme.I feel that #2, #5, and #10 doesnt connect to the theme. It might have been better to have more photos of her actually doing art then just photos of drawings. Dont get me wrong they are all great pictures but some i feel dont tie in. I think you definitly picked a great model to use and you definitly used color to your advantage.

  3. I love the goofy humor you show in these pictures. The picture "I love you this much" makes me giggle in a good way. I think all your pictures are cute and create a good feeling and story.

  4. I love the humor of Lydia in these images! The color works really well in all the pictures.

  5. I'm also a little confused on your theme, it seems to me that you have two different themes. I think you should use more pictures of the artist doing her thing other than just little drawings, they aren't very strong. Other than that, I think they will be great images and have a great theme!

  6. your concentration is really bright and involving. It draws you in. I think your strongest photo is the second to last, and you may want to consider putting it last.

  7. I love the bright colors you used to show excitment. Some of the pictures look like they could be in a magazine. The clarity is amazing in all the photos.

  8. I love the colors in all of your pictures. I think the drawings are adorablely cool. I think that mabey you could try to reword your theme so mabey all your pictures fit under it.?

  9. The individual photos are really strong, but I'm unsure of your theme. I don't understand the little drawings, and for me they take away from the strength of the portraits.

  10. I love how playfully cute your concentration is. When i look at it i feel like a little kid again. I enjoy this so much.

  11. Cheyenne, these photos are wonderful!! I'm sorry your other idea didn't work out, but these photos are fantastic. I love how her expressions are completely natural and at ease. The collages work wonderfully together and you did a great job of bringing out the story and series of events that occur during the teenage period. nice job on altering the color and B+W. Super duper great job! :)

  12. Your pictures are really great. I like how you are trying to show the life of a teenaged artist besides the art part, but your pictures all have an artistic element in them. I also love the colors in every picture. They are super bright and eye catching.

  13. I love the lighting in all of your pictures, it sets different moods for each one! You have great clarity in them all too, and they all show strong emotion! Beautiful job!

  14. You have great lighting in your photos! I also love the color and the position of the models.
